
Sunday, May 3, 2009

It's a beautiful sound...

hammers and stuff...the neighbors are moving and they are taking the chicken coop with them!!! YAAAAAAAY!!! I didn't mind the chickens, I minded the people and their music and their trash. Good. Bye.

The boys will miss the stray chickens to chase (and eat). They even got "streamlined" this weekend to help in the chase. Here are their after shots of their spa, shampoo, condition, ears and toes....

Notice Tug's tail is a moving.....he thinks it's treat time... it was.

Turbo is just a sweetie.

luv and miss you mum.


1 comment:

  1. you are so pretty and feel so much better i am sure...every granddog deserves a bob we shed on the same turms.rez


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