I didn't do the pattern justice. It's not complicated but this is my first attempt at anything besides a scarf, purling and ribbing. I already have more yarn (better quality) to make another pair. Here is the pattern - Thanks Anne at Bee Handmade Stuff!
The fit is great. I used size 7 needles, medium weight cotton yarn. My cast off is too TIGHT. I blocked these - first time for that too - and that helped but not perfect. I will still where these A LOT.
This the Neck Warmer from Knit 2 Together - it's my first project from this book. I had ISSUES but I love the finished project. My Right Side got reversed to the wrong side about half way and I didn't notice. I had an issue with a certain English Cocker Spaniel = ahem. Turbo. = wanting to help by jumping on me and running away with the ball of yarn and I dropped a whole row. I am sure this is where problem happened. I guess it's reversible now ?? This pattern includes yarn over, purl, knit2together - yikes, it was FUN. This too will be done again. Cast off was MUCH softer this time....
This was supposed to be done on circular needles but I opted for my size 10 needles and I whip stitched this together - the mitts where whipped stitched too. That was SO easy. I did not block the neck warmer - it falls nicely and fits perfect. AND - the pattern is NOT right so I don't' want to "open" it up any more.
I am looking forwarding to knowing what I am doing now....these will be *perfect* next time. I'll be putting the warmer on circular needles for #2...it might help the pattern and NOT dropping and entire row.
That's what I love about knitting and all crafting - it doesn't have to be perfect and I still love it. Only, I know the secrets...and it's my *perfect*.
Love you
Kath, love all your projects. Why rip them out? They are perfect the way they are. If you think you need to redo, (re)do another pair. love and miss you mom